Uganda removes two officers from UPDF over cowardice


KAMPALA, Uganda – Uganda has announced that it has removed from the army two soldiers who were accused of negligence and cowardice when Al-Shabaab attacked their base in Bula-Mareer area of ​​the Lower Shabelle region on May 26 this year.


The two soldiers named Major John Steven, who is 58 years old, and Major Sadok Abor who is also 49 years old, were sentenced to be removed from the military list by a military court in Halane Camp, which is the command center of the African Union Mission in ATMIS.

The court said that the two officers were in charge of the Bula-Mareer station, and they were accused of ignoring intelligence that they were facing an attack, and when the attack happened, they did not defend themselves, which caused 57 A soldier was killed at the scene.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said that the soldiers were intimidated when they resisted the Al-Shabaab fighters, and that they were responsible for the commanders who did not encourage the troops when the attack started, as they fled towards the Golweyn area, where ATMIS is based. you have another.

The two officers have 14 days to appeal the court’s decision to remove them from the Ugandan Army, which is part of ATMIS.


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